In XdsObjects, we have made a new method for retrieving Imaging Document sets without the dependency to DicomObjects.

And here is the CSharp sample code to show you how to make a Rad69 request without using DicomObjects:

	string RepositoryOID = "";  
	string StudyUID = "";  
	string SeriesUID = "";  
	string InstanceUID = "";  
	string AET = ""// not necessary if the KOS uses OIDs  
	XdsImagingClient client = new XdsImagingClient();  
	// you would set up one of these for each possible endpoint  
	client.AddWebServiceEndpoint(AET, RepositoryOID, endPointAddress, 
			XdsImagingClient.RetrievalMethod.Rad69, null);  
	// bottom up  
	DicomSeries series = new DicomSeries(SeriesUID);  
	series.DocumentUniqueIds.Add(InstanceUID);  // could of course be multiple!  

	DicomStudy study = new DicomStudy(StudyUID);  
	study.Series.Add(series);  // could of course be multiple  

	XdsImagingRetrieveRequest request = new XdsImagingRetrieveRequest();  
	request.Studies.Add(study); // could of course be multiple  

	request.RepositoryUniqueId = RepositoryOID;  

	// specify acceptable transfer syntaxes  
	request.TransferSyntaxes.Add("1.2.840.10008."); // JPEG lossless  

	List<XdsDocument> results = client.RetrieveObjects(request);  

	foreach (var result in results)  
		// or you could use the byte[] directly  
		MemoryStream imagedata = new MemoryStream(result.Data); 
		// do what you want with the byte[] or stream  