Name | Description | |
Bitmap | Overloaded. Creates a Bitmap object from DicomImage | |
BitmapImage | Image rendered as a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage object | |
Blt | Combine pixel data of source image into this image as a base image | |
BurnAnnotations | Burn all image Labels in Pixel data.
This method modifies the underlying pixel data! | |
CanConvertTo | Useful method to check if the image can be converted using a different compression specified by the TransferSyntax | |
CellLocation | The location of the top-left corner of the cell within which this image would be displayed in a particular viewer | |
CellSize | The size of the cell within which this image would be displayed in a particular viewer | |
ChangeToDecompressed | Simulate the effect of writing out as a Decompressed Image | |
ClearCaches | Overloaded. Clears the internal cache for uncompressed pixel data | |
Clone | Overloaded. Returns a cloned copy of the DicomImage | |
Copy | Copies the image to the Windows clipboard | |
CurrentToNoStretch | This method modifies the StretchMode, Zoom and Scroll properties such that the display output stays very similar while the display parameters have changed to suit the DicomObjects.Enums.StretchModes.NoStretch mode. | |
CurrentToPresentationState | Overloaded. Encapsulate current display properties into a DICOM GreyScale Presentation State object | |
DecompressAll | Causes all the frames of an image to be decompressed. | |
DisplaySize | Overloaded. Methods to determine the size at which am image would be shown | |
Dispose | Releases the resources used by the DicomImage object | |
DistanceFromPoint | Perpendicular distance from a Point to the plane of this image | |
DownloadStatus | Overloaded. Methods to determine the degree to which part of an image has already been downloaded | |
ExplicitJpipRequest | Overloaded. Explicitly request that some of the pixel information for this image should be retrieved via JPIP | |
Export | Overloaded. Export image to non-DICOM format | |
GetMinAndMax | Overloaded. Find the maximum and minimum pixel data values in the pixel data | |
GetRawFrame | Extract individual frame from the pixel data | |
Histogram | Returns an array containing the distribution of raw pixel values. | |
ImagePlane | The currently displayed plane of this image. | |
ImageToScreen | Calculate where in screen (X,Y) space, a given image point lies | |
ImageToWorld | Calculate the real-world 3D coordinates of a point of the image currently displayed | |
Import | Overloaded. Copies the image data from an external image format | |
Matrix | Overloaded. Matrix specifying how the image is displayed | |
MatrixBase | Matrix specifying how the image would be displayed with a Zoom of 1:1 | |
OrientationText | Return the Text of DicomLabel of LabelType = special. | |
Paste | Copies the Image Data from Windows Clipboard | |
PixelValuesByFrame | Returns an array of pixel values for a frame, optionally transformed via the modality transformation | |
PresentationStateToCurrent | Overloaded. Modifies current display properties to match the DICOM presentation state. | |
PrinterImage | Overloaded. Creates a copy of the image for printing or other purposes | |
RawPixelValuesByFrame | Returns an array of raw pixel values for a frame | |
Read | Overloaded. Read from a file, a system IO stream or a byte array | |
ReadURL | Reads from Web Address | |
ReferenceLine | This method returns a new DicomLabel object which represents the position of one DicomImage relative to another. | |
RenderToArray | Overloaded. Render the DicomImage to array. | |
ScreenToImage | Calculate where in image (X,Y) space, a given screen point lies | |
ScreenToWorld | Calculate where in real world (X,Y,Z) space, a given screen point lies | |
Send | Overloaded. Sends an image to a remote Storage SCP | |
SetDefaultWindows | Recalculates the default windows used by DicomObjects as if the image had just been loaded | |
SetExternalShader | An external DirectX pixel shader to be used for custom filtering | |
SetPixelData | Method to set pixel data directly from a stream | |
SetPixelDataAndImport | Method to import pixel data directly from a non-DICOM data | |
SetPixelFile | Maps an external file as the pixel data | |
SetScrollAndZoom | Sets the Scroll and Zoom values to values reflecting the current display | |
SetSimpleMasking | Overloaded. Sets the frame number of the mask frame for subtraction. | |
Spacing | Overloaded. Get the pixel spacing of the DicomImage | |
SpacingInViewer | This method returns the Pixel Spacing within the region specified by Area, in a particular viewer | |
SubImage | Overloaded. Creates a copy of part or all of the image | |
Update | Causes the image to be updated | |
WorldToImage | Calculate the nearest image coordinates for a point in real world (X,Y,Z) space, | |
WorldToScreen | Calculate where in real world (X,Y,Z) space, a given screen point lies | |
Write | Overloaded. Write the data to a file, Stream or Byte Array |