AddDictionaryElement | Add private or new attribute description to the internal list |
AddFileSignature | Add new File Signature to pre-defined list |
Echo | send a C-ECHO request |
EchoSecure | Secure C-ECHO |
ErrorString | Retrieve error string for a particular error code |
IsDICOM | A very simple method to decide if a file is DICOM |
Log | Add user specified text to the log file for a specific Log Level |
LogText | Add user specified text to the log file |
NewUID | Create a guaranteed unique UID |
Palette | Create a standard DICOM Palette |
ReadFile | Read a DICOM file |
RemoveFileSignature | Remove from pre-defined FileSignatures list |
ResetDirectX | Reset DirectX sub-system |
SetDLLDirectory | Set the directory from which to dynamically load FFMPEG and other DLLs to be that containing the DicomObjects OCX file. |