Coronal, Sagittal & Transverse position calculation

To calculate frame position in terms of Sagittal, Coronal and Transverse position please see the attached code.

Catch non-zero final status with DicomAssociation

In DicomObjects, we don’t throw exceptions when non-zero final status is received during the DICOM associations.

Transport Layer Security

DICOM Transport Layer Security (DICOM TLS) is derived from SSL 3.

Special Labels in DicomObjects

DicomLabels of type LabelSpecial are used where the text content is determined by DicomObjects rather than by the programmer.

Rendering Structured Reports

This article explains what DicomObjects (both COM and .NET versions) supports in terms of DICOM Structured reporting. Of course, DicomObjects as always provides full access to the data within any DICOM instance that has been loaded and it can handle the reading, writing and network transmission of Structured reports just the same as it can for images or any other sort of DICOM instance.

How DicomObjects handles Width and Level values

The Width COM/.NET and Level COM/.NET properties of an image are unusual, in that they are both stored as a part of the image, and are also transient DicomImage properties, regularly adjusted by users. This page explains the relationship between the persistent and transient values.