Counting Studies, Series and Instances

There are many times when users need to know how many objects there of a given type, without needing to enumerate each one.

Mask Subtraction

Mask subtraction is very different in the COM and .NET versions of DicomObjects

Avoiding Accepting Private SOP classes

Many pieces of equipment will try to negotiate both a Private SOP class and an official DICOM SOP Class for the images they send to a PACS, on the basis that only a PACS from the same manufacturer will accept the private one, with everyone else accepting only the DICOM one.


There are two kinds of Rejection during association establishment, Association Rejection and Contexts Rejection.

DICOM DateTime Format

The Standard DICOM DateTime Format The standard DateTime format (YYYYMMDD) is explained in Table 6.


DicomObjects (both COM and .NET versions) supports smoothing of displayed images, controlled by the MagnificationMode and MinificationMode properties of the image.